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News & Stories

Here we share news & stories about our work, collaboration and impact. Read updates from country teams, stories from projects and what’s been on our minds lately.

Our News & Stories

Introducing: The Digital Spark Series
One year ago today, I woke up to the news that Marc Mitchell, D-tree’s founder and digital health pioneer, had died suddenly and unexpectedly...
Jun 25, 2020 |
Jamii ni Afya
Errors in estimated delivery dates: explanation, impact, and a path forward
magine you were told you would deliver your baby on November 19, but you go into labor on October 19 – a full month before you anticipated. Do...
Feb 26, 2020 |
Jamii ni Afya
Introducing Jamii ni Afya: Zanzibar’s national digital health program for Universal Health Coverage
This month, the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar’s Ministry of Health (MOH), together with the local government authority, launched
Feb 19, 2020 |
Afya-Tek: a people-centered digitized healthcare system to strengthen the continuum of care
In a sparsely furnished room on a side street in the Kibaha district outside of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Ally Maandiko shuffles through loose...
Dec 10, 2019 |
Tuberculosis management among migrants using Near Field Communication
A year ago, I visited western Thailand with American Refugee Committee at Alight , a nonprofit organization working to improve lives of refugees...
Dec 02, 2019 |
Jamii ni Afya
Support, counselling, and follow-up: Leveraging digital tools to encourage new health behaviors
I was born and raised in Pemba, the second largest island in the Zanzibar archipelago off the coast of Tanzania. Growing up in Pemba, I witnessed...
Feb 20, 2019 |
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