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Here we share news & stories about our work, collaboration and impact. Read updates from country teams, stories from projects and what’s been on our minds lately.

Our News & Stories

Afya-Tek, a people-centered digital referral system: Strategies for success
Since its launch in August of 2020, Afya-Tek, a fully digitized and people-centered primary healthcare referral system, has already begun to...
Dec 10, 2020 |
D-tree launches digitized referral system, Afya-Tek, in Tanzania
In August 2020, D-tree and a consortium of partners launched the Afya-Tek digital system in Kibaha, Tanzania. Afya-Tek strengthens the primary...
Dec 03, 2020 |
Digital Spark #4: Ensuring data protection and privacy
This post is part of our ongoing Digital Spark series. Be sure to also check out the series introduction, as well as the other posts in the series...
Jul 23, 2020 |
Digital Spark #3: Embracing collaboration to achieve sustainable health system
To achieve their fullest potential and truly help transform health systems, digital health programs require collaboration and partnership
Jul 16, 2020 |
Digital Spark #2: Employing a health systems strengthening approach
Over the past 20 years, the world has made incredible progress. Since the year 2000, over a billion people have risen out of extreme
Jul 08, 2020 |
Digital Spark #1: Setting digital health apart
Lela carries her 6-year-old son, Khari, to the health center for the fourth time this month. His fever keeps returning and, although he
Jul 02, 2020 |
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